ITC Academy
Welcome to ITC Academy
Track: Network Administration Track
What do you learn as a network administrator?
Knowledge of complex networks. The ability to manage, control and monitor server infrastructures. Knowledge of and experience with a Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN) and Virtual Private Network (VPN) .
Network administrators make sure the computer networks of an organization are secure and working well. A network administrator is an IT professional who ensures that an organization's computer networks groups of computers that share information with one another are operating to meet the needs of the organization.

CCNA Course

CCNA Course Description:
CCNA course covers a wide range of topics such as network fundamentals and access, IP connectivity and services, security fundamentals, programmability, and automation.

Course Duration:
  • 80 hrs

MCSA Course

MCSA Course Description:
MCSA (Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate) is a certification program intended for people who seek entry-level jobs in an information technology (IT) environment.

Course Duration:
  • 120 hrs

For Registration: Contact us